Quran Notebook

Quran Notebook

A study companion to help personally connect to the Quran. Read in Arabic and English, then journal your reflection, epiphanies, and more. Procceeds are donated.


Simple and current English translation from The Qur'an Project (quranproject.org)

edited by A.B. al-Mehri.

Same Translation


Each book has 3 Juz for a total of 10 books. On one side is the Quran and on the other side is the translation with dotted space for notes. Size 7 by 10 inches. You can find all published parts on Amazon.

Countless Ways to Benefit

Large Arabic text with space where you could write definitions.

You could take notes or simply reflect.

You could use along your favorite translation.


Quotation Mark

IIt’s a beautiful book. I love the feel of the cover and how the paper feels.

Jessenia Fonseca

Quotation Mark

I needed a Quran journal that has the Arabic and English with the space to write the reflections. This was a great option. If you want to learn more and reflect more about the Quran look no further. Paper quality is amazing and I love the book cover. I like that it’s light and can be easily carried.

Maria Siddiqui

Quotation Mark

Very convenient and beautiful. I will be looking out for the remaining ajzaa inshaAllah.

Selma Al-Salman

Quran Notebook


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